Yuki Kawashima, Kei Ohkubo, Vicente Manuel Blas-Ferrando, Hayato Sakai, Enrique Font-Sanchis, Javier Ortíz, Fernando Fernández-Lázaro, Taku Hasobe, Ángela Sastre-Santos, and Shunichi Fukuzumi. Near-Infrared Photoelectrochemical Conversion via Photoinduced Charge Separation in Supramolecular Complexes of Anionic Phthalocyanines with Li+@C60, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2015,
Vicente M. Blas-Ferrando, Javier Ortiz, Victoria González-Pedro, Rafael S. Sánchez, Iván Mora-Seró,
Fernando Fernández-Lázaro and Ángela Sastre-Santos. Synergistic Interaction of Dyes and Semiconductor Quantum Dots for Advanced Cascade Cosensitized Solar Cells, Advanced Functional Materials 2015,
Vicente M. Blas-Ferrando, Javier Ortiz, Victoria González-Pedro, Rafael S. Sánchez, Iván Mora-Seró, Fernando Fernández-Lázaro and Ángela Sastre-Santos. Efficient Passivated Phthalocyanine-Quantum Dot Solar Cells, Chemical Communications 2015,
Myriam Barrejón, Sara Pla, Isadora Berlanga, María J. Gómez-Escalonilla, Luis Martín-Gomis, José Luis G. Fierro, Minfang Zhang, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, Habtom B. Gobeze, Francis D’Souza, Ángela Sastre-Santos and Fernando Langa. Covalent Decoration onto the Outer Walls of Double Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Perylenediimides: Synthesis, Characterization and Photoinduced Electron Transfer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015,
Luis Martín-Gomis, Georgios Rotas, Kei Ohkubo, Fernando Fernández-Lázaro,
Shunichi Fukuzumi, Nikos Tagmatarchis and Ángela Sastre-Santos. Does a Nitrogen Matter? Synthesis and Photoinduced
Electron Transfer of Perylenediimide Donors
Covalently Linked to C59N and C60 Acceptors, Nanoscale 2015,
Luis M. Arellano, Luis Martín-Gomis, Habtom Gozebe, Myriam Barrejón, Desiré Molina, Maria J Gómez-Escalonilla, J L G Fierro, Minfang Zhang, Masako Yudasaka, Sumio Iijima, Francis DSouza, Fernando Langa and Ángela Sastre-Santos . Peripheral versus Axial Substituted Phthalocyanine-Double- Walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrids as Light Harvesting Systems, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015,