Félix Manjón Amallobieta PhD Student
E-mail: felix.manjon@alu.umh.es
Telephone: +34-966658927
Félix Manjón Amallobieta was born in Torrevieja (Alicante), in 1993. He obtained his degree in Biotechnology at University Miguel Hernández of Elche in 2016. During the final year of his degree, he joined the research group to make his end-of-degree project working on "Synthesis and photophysical Properties of Conjugated and Nonconjugated Phthalocyanines-Perylenediimides Systems for Study as Artificial Photosynthetic Systems" under the supervisión of Dr. Ángela Sastre. Nowadays, he is studying a postgraduate degree in "Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology" at University Miguel Hernández of Elche.
Selected Publications
Jorge Follana-Berná, Damla Inan, Vicente M. Blas-Ferrando, Natalie Gorczak, Javier Ortiz, Félix Manjón, Fernando Fernández-Lázaro, Ferdinand C. Grozema, and Ángela Sastre-Santos. Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Conjugated and Nonconjugated Phthalocyanine–Perylenediimide Systems, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016,